Illnesses such as lung cancer and leukemia are the frequent legacies of the hard work and everyday grit offered by railroad workers. At Hughes Law Offices, we seek justice on behalf of railroad workers sickened by years of toxic railroad exposures. We are a railroad toxic tort law firm and we proudly serve:
Locomotive Engineers, Brakemen & Conductors
Track/Engineering Department Employees
Locomotive Shop Workers
Railroad Car Department Workers
Whether you worked in the locomotive shops, car shops, or on board locomotives, you likely experienced regular toxic exposures. The Association of American Railroads identified diesel exhaust as a possible cancer-causing source in the 1950’s. Despite that, railroad workers have been sent into improperly ventilated shops and locomotives with no training, no warnings and no personal protective equipment and been forced to breathe in diesel exhaust. These railroad workers endured chronic exposures and recurring symptoms like throat irritations, lightheadedness, headaches, nausea and chest tightness as “part of the job” and they are now left to pay the price. The everyday diesel exposures, the symptoms of which may have only been temporary, lead to more serious illnesses down the line such as lung, throat, stomach, kidney and bladder cancers and many pulmonary problems, like asthma and COPD.